Charlotte Kaufman is the Founder and Director of BOSTON MUSICAL THEATER. Ms. Kaufman is on the faculty of New England Conservatory Continuing Education Division and teaches piano and harpsichord. A Boston native, educated at Girls' Latin School, Smith College, and with an advanced degree in Piano from Boston University, she has always gravitated to music as a major concentration and later as a career. She performed professionally as a duo pianist in the late 60s. The next decade was concentrated on early music performance which developed into the editing and production of ballad operas at the Museum of Fine Arts on their annual performing series from 1981-1987. A by-product of these years was the editing of two published chamber operas, The Doctor of Alcantara by Julius Eichberg 1994, a Boston operetta in a facsimile edition, and Le Devin du village by Jean Jacques Rousseau, in a critical performing edition 1998. In the 1990s Friends of Dr. Burney was renamed Boston Musical Theater to reflect the expansion of the repertoire into the 19th and 20th centuries. Ms. Kaufman has also prepared performing editions of several 18th-century ballad operas based upon original source materials.