The Deanery, also known as the Steward's House (the first Steward's House was burned during the Civil War), the Rear Dormitory, and the Long House, was a two-story brick building with a castellated parapet located east of Trinkle Hall at William & Mary.

Other names: Steward's House, Rear Dormitory, Long House
Demolished: 1930
Map it for me
Note: location on map is approximate.
In 1890, the College began renting Mr. B. Long's building and grounds, which were located near the College Hotel. After several failed attempts to buy the property, both the land and the building were purchased on June 30, 1894 by William & Mary. The College passed a resolution that authorized Robert M. Hughes to pay Mrs. Catherine Long $2,000 for the purchase of the Long property, which included the residence building (soon to become the Deanery) and the twelve acres of land more or less adjoining the College property. The steward was authorized to keep hogs or cattle on the property, which included a pasture, for the benefit of the boarding house. The house became the home of the steward of the College and his family in 1896.
The Dew Drop Inn tea room, open to the public, was located in the basement of the Deanery in 1920 and was operated by the Edith Baer Home Economics Club and the YWCA. The Deanery became a women's dormitory in 1924.
Charles M. Robinson, the College architect, was quoted in the College Papers circa 1927 as saying "The Deanery is a small brick building stuccoed on the outside and painted yellow. It is located just east of the new dining hall, and has no significance other than a high English basement and a castellated parapet..."
The Flat Hat listed the building as room for freshman women in its 1929 directory.
The Deanery was torn down in the summer of 1930, and a fish pond next to Trinkle Hall was built in its cellar hole in 1930.
- 1894--95 WM Catalog, p. 47--castelated front porch, running full length; 1896--97 WM Catalog
- 1901-Colonial Echo, p. 68-new shorter front porch, between 1st floor windows, railing around top
- "The Romance and Renaissance," p. 19, 3rd porch, covers 1st story windows, no railing on top
- Nov. 1980--Bulletin shows 2nd porch
- P1951.9-Aerial, May 8,1930; P1980.122-June 7, 1930; c. 1918--Panorama shows 3rd porch; University Archives Photograph Collection, Special Collections Research Center, Swem Library, William & Mary.