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  1. National Planned Giving Institute

    "The William & Mary National Planned Giving Institute offers a series of four seminars covering all aspects of gift development through major current and deferred planned giving. The Institute…
  2. Neuroscience

    "Neuroscience is a rigorous interdisciplinary study of the nervous system. It integrates the function of molecules, cells and networks as they give rise to fully formed behavioral and cognitive…
  3. Nicknames

    William & Mary has had several mascots along with changes to the nickname used for its athletic teams over time. While a mascot is defined as "a person, animal, or object adopted by a group as a…
  4. Norborne Berkeley, 4th Baron de Botetourt (1718-1770)

    Norborne Berkeley, 4th Baron Botetourt (1718 - October 15, 1770) was governor of the Virginia Colony from 1768 to 1770. He was also a member of the Board of Visitors of William & Mary in…
  5. Norfolk College of William & Mary

    The Norfolk Division of William & Mary was established in 1930. Its name was changed in 1960 to Norfolk College of William & Mary. The institution became independent from the College of…
  6. Notable Alumni

    Lists of notable alumni in various fields including government, military, law, arts and media, and athletics.
  7. Nottoway plantation

    The Nottoway Plantation or Quarter was a tobacco plantation acquired by William & Mary in 1718 when the General Assembly presented the College with £1000, of which £100 was used to buy 2119 acres…
  8. Office of Multicultural Affairs

    The Office of Minority Student Affairs and the Office of Multicultural Affairs preceded the Center for Student Diversity at William & Mary. In Fall, 2009, this office changed its name to Center…
  9. Office of the Vice President for Administration

    The departments within Administration provide a wide range of services to the College and broader community. As stewards of the College's human and physical resources, we are committed to providing…
  10. Old Dominion Hall

    Old Dominion Hall Constructed: 1927 Renovated: 1937, 1972
  11. Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture

    The College of William & Mary and The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation founded the Institute of Early American History and Culture in 1943 and still jointly sponsor its work. In 1996 the College…
  12. Order of the White Jacket

    The Order of the White Jacket was established in 1972 to honor and bring together alumni who worked their way through college in the food service establishments at the College and in the surrounding…
  13. P. Geoffrey Feiss

    P. Geoffrey Feiss (Paul Geoffrey) was Provost of William & Mary from 1993-2003. He was an administrator at William & Mary from 1997-2009, first as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and…
  14. Page, John

    John Page (April 17, 1744 - October 11, 1808) was a figure in early United States history. He served in the U.S. Congress and as Governor of Virginia. Page was born and lived at Rosewell Plantation…
  15. Palace Lots

    The Palace Lots were also known as the Saunders House or the Carter House. They were located on the west side of the Palace Green. Chronology 1835--inherited by Robert Saunders; he lived in while…
  16. Pamela Harriman

    Pamela Harriman was a member of the Board of Visitors of William & Mary. Harriman was awarded an honorary degree and spoke at the 1996 Charter Day ceremony. The Pamela Harriman Foreign Service…
  17. Pamela Harriman Foreign Service Fellowships

    The Pamela Harriman Foreign Service Fellowships are awarded each year to three undergraduate students from across the country in positions with the U.S. Department of State in Washington, DC, and the…
  18. Parking Garage

    The Parking Garage located at 201 Ukrop Way on the William & Mary campus was completed in 2006 creating 500 new parking spaces on campus.
  19. Paul Littreal

    Paul Littreal was a member of the staff at William & Mary at VIMS and a member of the class of 2007. Obituary Announcement From a Faculty and Staff Announcement Email from Vice President for…
  20. Paul O'Neill

    Former Secretary of the Treasury Paul O'Neill received an honorary degree at the College's 2010 commencement ceremony. After earning a graduate degree in Economics from Claremont Graduate University…
  21. Paul R. Verkuil

    Paul R. Verkuil was the twenty-fourth president of the William & Mary, serving from July 1, 1985 until his resignation, effective January 7, 1992. Melvyn D. Schiavelli acted as interim president…
  22. Penniman Building

    Penniman Building Acquired by the College: 1920-1921 Renovations: 1924 Destroyed: 1925
  23. Peter Etienne Duponceau

    Peter Stephen DuPonceau (born Pierre-Etienne Du Ponceau) was a French linguist, philosopher, and jurist. He was born in St-Martin de R on June 3, 1760, and died in Philadelphia on April 1, 1844. He…
  24. Peyton Randolph (c. 1721-1775)

    Born as the third child of (Sir) John Randolph and (Lady) Susannah Beverly Randolph, Peyton Randolph attended William & Mary Grammar School c. 1739. He also was elected to the W&M Board of…
  25. Phi Beta Kappa

    Phi Beta Kappa was founded by five students at William & Mary in 1776 at the Raleigh Tavern in Williamsburg and is the oldest honor society in the United States. The current Phi Beta Kappa Hall…
  26. Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall

    Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall, also known as PBK Hall, is located at 601 Jamestown Road, northeast of Morton Hall. The first Phi Beta Kappa Hall at William & Mary, which opened in 1926 and…
  27. Phi Kappa Phi

    The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi is the nation's oldest, largest, and most selective all-discipline honor society. Phi Kappa Phi inducts annually approximately 30,000 students, faculty,…
  28. Phi Mu House

    131 Richmond Road Acquired by the College: 1927
  29. Phi Sigma Pi

    Phi Sigma Pi is a student honor fraternity at William & Mary.
  30. Philip H. Daileader

    Philip H. Daileader joined the Department of History at William & Mary in 1998. He was chair of the department in 2007-2011.
  31. Philip Pendleton Barbour

    Philip Pendleton Barbour attended William & Mary in 1801-1802 according to The Provisional List of Alumni.1 Sources also indicate Barbour attended in 1799; this fact should be verified. He was an…
  32. Philip Yorke

    Philip Yorke, Earl of Hardwicke, was an well-known English lawyer and politician. He served on behalf of Seaford in Parliament from 1722 until 1733. He also served as Solicitor General for England…
  33. Philomathean Literary Society

    Among the oldest records of student organizations are those from the various literary societies, of which William & Mary had several. These societies, which were popular all over the country in…
  34. Philosophy Department

    The Department of Philosophy, at William & Mary, "through a varied and extensive program of courses, presents students with past and present attempts to think critically and reflectively about…
  35. Phoenix Literary Society

    Among the oldest records of student organizations are those from the various literary societies, of which William & Mary had several. These societies, which were popular all over the country in…
  36. Pirates

    Pirates captured by the British in Virginia and imprisoned in England provided funds important to William & Mary when it was founded. Lionel Wafer, surgeon; Edward Davis, captain of the…
  37. Players' Dell

  38. Plumeri House

    Plumeri House Acquired by the College: 1963 Named in honor of Joe Plumeri '66
  39. Plumeri Park

    "One of the finest collegiate baseball facilities in the region, Plumeri Park has been home to William & Mary Tribe baseball team since 1999. The facility was constructed in large part due to the…
  40. Popular Culture References to William & Mary

    This is a draft list of books, television, and other mediums to make reference to William & Mary either as characters' backstories or in setting the tales at the university.
  41. Power Plant

    Power Plant Constructed: 1911 Renovations: 1922, 1929, 1930
  42. Practice House

    The first Practice House of the Department of Home Economics was in the Holmes House at 308 Jamestown Rd. Opening in 1921 for juniors and seniors, it housed 3 students and the head of the Home…
  43. Prentis Award

    The Prentis Award is given each year to recognize those individuals in the Williamsburg community for their strong civic involvement and support of William & Mary. The award is named after…
  44. Presbyterian Institute

    The Presbyterian Institute was also known as Williamsburg Female Institute. The Institute was located four blocks from the campus of the College of William & Mary on Scotland Street. It was built…
  45. President's House

    President's House Constructed: 1732 Burned by French Troops: 1781 Renovations: 1848, 1867, 1905, 1919, 1922, 1931, 1971-72
  46. President's Medallion

    The first President's Medallion depicts William & Mary's coat of arms and the W&M cipher. The medallion was crafted by Charles Eugene ("Mike") Stousland, Jr., class of 1941. Stousland was…
  47. President's Oath of Office

    The oathes sworn by the presidents of the College of William & Mary at the time of their inauguration, when known, are here. Julian Alvin Carroll Chandler I, ___(name)_____________, do swear that…
  48. Prince George House

    Prince George House Constructed: circa 1717 Acquired by the College: 1930 Previous names: Brown Hall, Digges House, Bray School
  49. Prohibition

    Material in the Special Collections Research Center related to Prohibition. To search for further material, see Finding Materials in the SCRC for an introduction to the SCRC Collections Database,…
  50. Psychology Department

    The Department of Psychology at William & Mary offered its first courses in 1888, after the reorganization of the College. The courses were taught under the Department of Moral Science, Political…

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A note about the contents of this site

This website contains the best available information from known sources at the time it was written. Unfortunately, many of the early original records of William & Mary were destroyed by fires, military occupation, and the normal effects of time. The information in this website is not complete, and it changes as we continue to research and uncover new sources.