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  1. School Colors

    The school colors of William & Mary were first orange and white and are currently green, gold, and silver. The university has had several nicknames for its athletic teams and found a new mascot…
  2. School of Education

    The School of Education was created as a distinct entity within the academic structure at William & Mary in 1961. During ensuing years, the traditional commitment to undergraduate education for…
  3. School of Education Building

    A new facility houses the university's nationally-ranked School of Education and brings all of its academic programs, outreach centers, and research projects together in a single setting.
  4. Schuyler Otis Bland (1872 - 1950)

    Schuyler Otis Bland (1872-1950) was a "representative from Virginia; born near Gloucester, Gloucester County, Va., May 4, 1872; attended the Gloucester Academy, Gloucester, Va.; attended William…
  5. Science Fiction and Fantasy Club

    The Science Fiction and Fantasy Club at William & Mary, affectionately known as "Skiffy", was founded in the mid 1970's 1. Club activities include weekly meetings, video screenings, an annual…
  6. Science Hall

    Science Hall Constructed: 1904-1905 Dedication: April 27, 1906 Demolished: 1932
  7. Sculptures on campus

    There are many sculptures and statues on the grounds of William & Mary. These include multiple statues by David Turner, the James Monroe statue, the statue of John Marshall and George Wythe, King…
  8. Secret Societies

    There have been a number of secret societies at William & Mary during its history. Groups believed to be currently active on campus include the FHC Society, 7 Society, Bishop James Madison…
  9. Senior Class Chain of Office

    The Senior Class Chain of Office is worn by the president of the senior class at William & Mary for official functions. At the end of the Commencement ceremony, after the last faculty member has…
  10. Seven Wise Men

    The Seven Wise Men were the seven professors who taught at the College after it reopened in 1888. They included Lyon G. Tyler, Hugh S. Bird, Charles E. Bishop, Van F. Garrett, J.
  11. Sewell Hepburn Hopkins

    Sewell Hepburn Hopkins (1906-1984), a marine biologist best known for his research into the effects of oil spills on marine life in the Gulf of Mexico, was born 24 March 1906 in Nuttall, Va., the son…
  12. Sherman and Gloria H. Cohen Career Center

    Sherman and Gloria H. Cohen Career Center Constructed: 2009-2010 Named for: Sherman and Gloria H. Cohen
  13. Shirley Aceto Award

    Established in 2010, the Shirley Aceto Award is awarded annually at William & Mary "to a member of the instructional or professional faculty "who demonstrates most fully a commitment to…
  14. Simon Joyce

    Simon Joyce is an associate professor of English at William & Mary, and was associate chair of the Department of English from 2010-2011 in addition to being the former Literary and Cultural…
  15. Sinfonicron Light Opera Company

    Known as the Williamsburg area's premiere Gilbert and Sullivan company, William & Mary's Sinfonicron is student-run on every level of production, from set design and construction, to direction,…
  16. Sleuth

    Sleuth was published in October and November 2000.
  17. Small Hall

    Small Hall Constructed: 1962-1963 Renovation: 1985, 2005
  18. Soccer

    William & Mary hosts home soccer matches at Albert-Daly Field.
  19. Sorority Court

    Sorority Court Opened: 1929 Fire: 2008
  20. South Asian Student Association

    "The South Asian Student Association (SASA) is an undergraduate student organization at William & Mary dedicated to promoting cultural identity, unity and awareness in the college community and…
  21. SS William & Mary Victory

    The SS William & Mary, was a Victory ship built during World War II by Bethlehem Steel, Fairfield Shipyard, Inc. in Baltimore, Maryland. Service life William & Mary Victory was part of the…
  22. St. George Tucker (1752-1827)

    St. George Tucker (1752 - 1827) was born near Port Royal, Bermuda on July 10, 1752, the youngest of six children of Colonel Henry Tucker, a prosperous merchant, and Anne Butterfield, daughter of…
  23. St. George Tucker Award

    The St. George Tucker Award, created in 1995, is given each year to a member of the Marshall-Wythe School of Law adjunct faculty for outstanding service.
  24. St. Helena Extension

    The St. Helena Extension was a division of William & Mary established especially for veterans of World War II.
  25. Staff Recognition

    Staff Recognition at a large organization may take any number of forms. Employee Appreciation Luncheon William & Mary celebrated it's first "classified employee recognition luncheon and award…
  26. Stephen E. Sampson

    The daughter of Amanda M. and Joseph W. Campbell, Sarah E Campbell (ca 1824-1880), married Stephen E. Sampson (b. ca. 1813 in Goochland County). They had 11 children. They were Ella Virginia (ca.…
  27. Steward's House

  28. Student Assembly

    The Student Assembly is the student's government at William & Mary. Including both graduates and undergraduates, it represents the students' voice to the faculty, administration, community and…
  29. Student Demographics

    Student Enrollment - Early Years Year Students (undergraduate) Law School 1790 16 - 1791 22 - 1792 8 - 1793 42 - 1794 23 - 1795 19 - 1796 32 - 1797 25 - 1798 35 -
  30. Student groups

    The first student organization at William & Mary for which there is evidence was the FHC. Phi Beta Kappa was founded in 1776 and in the 18th century there was the birth and growth of literary…
  31. Student Health Center

    Student Health Center Constructed: 1972-1973 Named for: David J. King
  32. Student Protests and Rallies

    Protests by students at William & Mary have included the following (note this list is incomplete):
  33. Students' Army Training Corps

    The Students' Army Training Corps was a national organization located on the campuses of colleges and universities throughout the country, with the goal of developing new personnel for the Army.…
  34. Sundial

    The William & Mary sundial was probably made in London during the seventeenth century or early eighteenth century. Scientific measurements of how lines on the dial by Dr. George W. Crawford,…
  35. Sunken Garden

    The Sunken Garden is located to the rear of the Wren Building, running southwest, on the campus of William & Mary.
  36. Sunset Ceremony

    The Sunset Ceremony during William & Mary's Homecoming weekend dates to the early 20th century. On March 20, 1926, it was resolved that the Virginia Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa take special…
  37. Susan Donaldson

    Susan Donaldson has been a professor of English and American Studies at William & Mary since 1985, and is the current chair of the Department of English. Her academic interests include "Late…
  38. Swem Library

    The Earl Gregg Swem Library is located at 400 Landrum Drive (formerly Old Campus Drive), across new campus from Andrews Hall at William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.
  39. Taliaferro Building

    Taliaferro Building Constructed: 1893-1894 Renovations: 1914, 1932, 1936-1937
  40. Tappahannock Extension Division

    The Tappahannock Extension Division was one of several extensions of William & Mary in the 20th century. In the late 1920s-1930, extension courses were offered in eleven different communities by …
  41. Tau Chi Literary Society

    The Tau Chi Literary Society existed at William & Mary from 1839 to 1850 with anywhere from 5 to 20 student members active at any one time. The society held weekly meetings where they read…
  42. Taylor Building

    Taylor Building Sold by the College: 2007
  43. Tennis Courts

    The first tennis courts at William & Mary were located behind the Wren Building. The newspaper for students College Topics (1908-1909) includes references to the desire and need for tennis courts…
  44. Terry L. Meyers

    Terry L. Meyers is a professor at William & Mary in the Department of English (1970 - Present). He has served as Department Chair of English and the Department of Philosophy (2007). He received…
  45. Thatcher Prize

    The Thatcher Prize For Excellence in Graduate and Professional Study was created in honor of Margaret, The Lady Thatcher, the 21st Chancellor of William & Mary. The award is presented annually to…
  46. The Brafferton

    The Brafferton, 105 Jamestown Road, is located on the south side of the Wren Yard, southeast of the Wren Building. It was built in 1723 by William & Mary with funds from the estate of English…
  47. The College and Slavery

    William & Mary benefited from enslaved labor from its inception in 1693 until the Emancipation Proclamation made slavery illegal in the Confederate states in 1863. Recently, universities have…
  48. The Common Glory

    The Jamestown Corporation produced The Common Glory, a Paul Green symphonic drama, nearly every summer of its thirty year existence. Staged at the Lake Matoaka amphitheater on the campus of William…
  49. The DoG Street Journal

    The DoG Street Journal was first published by William & Mary students in January 2003. Electronic versions of the DSJ is available online at It is…
  50. The Flat Hat

    The Flat Hat, a student newspaper at William & Mary, is a rich source of information, announcing events taking place on campus as well as reflecting student opinion. It began publication in…

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A note about the contents of this site

This website contains the best available information from known sources at the time it was written. Unfortunately, many of the early original records of William & Mary were destroyed by fires, military occupation, and the normal effects of time. The information in this website is not complete, and it changes as we continue to research and uncover new sources.